dilluns, 16 de març del 2009

I tenen la culpa... els videojocs (violents)

Els fets de Württemberg del passat 11 de març són una desgràcia difícilment evitable. De tant en tant, a una persona se li creuen els cables i reparteix a tort i dret. Fins i tot William Morris, en dibuixar l'ideal d'una societat a News from Nowhere (1890), un dels personatges admet la persistència de la violència:

"I withdraw nothing; as I told you, such things will happen. Hot blood will err sometimes. A man may strike another, and the stricken strike back again, and the result be a homicide, to put it at the worst. But what then? Shall the neighbours make it worse still? Shall we think so poorly of each other as to suppose that the slain man calls on us to revenge him, when we know that if he had been maimed, he would, when in cold blood and able to weigh all the circumstances, have forgiven his maimer? Or will the death of the slayer bring the slain man to life again and cure the unhappiness his death has caused?"

En la societat de News from Nowhere, la violència persisteix però en desapareixen els factors estructurals:

In your sense of the word, we have no criminal law either. Let us look at the matter closer, and see whence crimes of violence spring. By far the greater part of these in past days were the result of the laws of private property, which forbade the satisfaction of their natural desires to all but a privileged few, and of the general visible coercion which came of those laws. All that cause of violent crime is gone. Again, many violent acts came from the artificial perversion of the sexual passions, which caused over-weening jealousy and the like miseries. Now, when you look carefully into these, you will find that what lay at the bottom of them was mostly the idea (a law-made idea) of the woman being the property of the man, whether he were husband , father, brother, or what not. That idea has of course vanished with private property, as well as certain follies about the `ruin' of women for following their natural desires in an illegal way, which of course was a convention caused by the laws of private property."

"Another cognate cause of crimes of violence was the family tyranny, which was the subject of so many novels and stories of the past and which once more was the result of private property. Of course that is all ended, since families are held together by no bond of coercion, legal or social, but by mutual liking and affection, and everybody is free to come or go as he or she pleases. Furthermore, our standards of honour and public estimation are very different from the old ones; success in beating our neighbours is a road to renown now closed, let us hope for ever. Each man is free to exercise his special faculty to the utmost and every one encourages him in so doing. So that we have got rid of the scowling envy, coupled by the poets with hatred, and surely with good reason; heaps of unhappiness and ill-blood were caused by it, which with irritable and passionate men - i.e., energetic and active men - often led to violence."

La història ha evidenciat que Morris era excessivament optimista. Cal dir que els seus successors hem treballat i treballem de valent perquè les coses continuïn a pitjor.

Un exemple són els progressistes que, suposadament, són hereus directes de la sensibilitat i compromís de Morris. Lluny d'anar a les causes estructurals, tot ho deixen al sensacionalisme. Quan el psicòpata ja ha caigut, uns altres psicòpates s'alcen per rematar les llibertats en nom de la seguretat. Uns demanen engarjolar totes les persones que responguin al perfil "esquizofrènic". Uns altres demanen prohibir la tinença particular d'armes, fins i tot els ganivets de cuina, a la taula, i ben lligats. I, finalment, hi ha els qui, en resposta a aquesta tragèdia, demanen prohibir els videojocs violents.

Aquests psicòpates de tratjo i corbata, ben empoltronats en càtedres, i sempre amarats d'una suor de set-ciències aspirant a la tirania, no dubten en apel·lar a la situació de pànic que queda després d'una d'aquestes desgràcies. Els mitjans de comunicació, sensacionalistes, ho amplifiquen. A la fi tot queda en no-res, però es prepara el terreny de noves mesures repressores i asfixiants. Justament les mateixes mesures repressores i asfixiants que produeixen una bona part dels malalties mentals i una bona part del desig de revenja violenta. Però, és clar, la culpa la tenen els videojocs violents. No fos cas que algú plantegés si el problema es troba en les estructures educatives, en el sol·lipsisme inherent al model de "família nuclear", en el menyspreu criminal a la salut mental per part de les autoritats sanitàries, etc., etc., etc.

1 comentari:

Anònim ha dit...

Hi everyone! I do not know where to begin but hope this place will be useful for me.
I will be glad to receive any assistance at the start.
Thanks in advance and good luck! :)