dimarts, 28 d’abril del 2009

El Tribunal de Justícia de la UE aclareix les falsedats propagandístiques del govern Zapatero sobre l'oficialitat del català

L'oficialitat del català a les institucions europees serà, es vulgui o no, un dels cavalls de batalla a casa nostra de les properes eleccions al Parlament Europeu que tindran lloc el 7 de maig.

Per rentar-se la cara, el govern espanyol del PSOE va anunciar a bombo i plateret un acord que atorga als catalans el dret d'adreçar-se al Tribunal de Justícia en la seva llengua.

Aquest comunicat aclareix, però, les coses:

Under the arrangement, Spanish citizens, residents of Spain and undertakings established there will now be able to send written communications to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in one of those languages and receive an answer from the Court in the language used. That will not be possible, however, for communications of a judicial nature, those relating to the application of a legal text and those whose purpose is, directly or indirectly, to obtain an advantage (for example, a grant), a benefit (for example, the award of a contract) or a post (for example, a job application).
Under the administrative arrangement, persons wishing to send a communication to the Court of Justice of the European Communities in one of the "co-official" languages will have to send their communication to the Office for Official Languages at the Spanish Ministry for Regional Policy. That Office will translate the communication into Castilian (Spanish) in order to allow the Court of Justice to reply in Spanish. The Office for Official Languages will then translate the Court's reply into the "co-official" language in which the original communication was sent and forward the reply and the translation to the sender.
Any direct or indirect costs which the Court of Justice incurs as a result of the implementation of the administrative arrangement will be borne by the Spanish Government.

Havia pensat en traduir el text al català, però, oi que s'entén. Potser és hora de deixar de demanar l'oficialitat del català a Europa, i exigir l'oficialitat exclusiva de l'anglès en les institucions europees.